Usability EvaluationDiscipline
Usability Evaluation focuses on how well users can learn and use a product to achieve their goals. It also refers to how satisfied users are with that process. To gather this information, practitioners use a variety of methods that gather feedback from users about an existing site or plans related to a new site.
Usability Evaluation methods focus on the quality of a user's experience when interacting with products or systems, including websites, software, devices, or applications.
Usability Evaluation Methods
A-B Testing
Evaluate two variants of a design find out which of them is more effective
Accessibility Evaluation
Ensure an accessible and inclusive experience for users across the spectrum of abilities
First Click Testing
Discover what users interact with first when they land on your web page
Heuristic Evaluation
Evaluate a site to identify usability flaws and other areas for improvement
Usability Testing
Observation of users performing a series of tasks to gather feedback on flows, design, and features